
5 Kyu-Daishoji Riverside

The river in spring season
1)The river in spring season
2)Cherry trees lining the river
3)A path along the river

Traces of the Castle Town

Running through the town centre of Daishoji, which once flourished as a castle town, the Kyu-Daishoji River is a branch of the Daishoji River originating from Mt. Dainichi and flowing down to the Japan Sea via Kakusenkei Gorge in Yamanaka Onsen. Traces of the original castle town are everywhere along the river particularly between Enuma Shrine and Mizumori Shrine. Seasonal highlights, such as springtime cherry blossoms and red spider lilies in early autumn, provide memorable moments.


Kyu-Daishoji Riverside

Location: Around centre of Daishoji town