

Reddish tile roof, one of the characteristics of Kitamaebune's architecture
1)Reddish tile roof, one of the characteristics of Kitamaebune's architecture
2)Inner garden of the house
3)Rooms in Soryokan

Kitamaebune Shipowner’s House

Soryokan used to be a part of a larger residence that belonged to KUBO Hikobei, one of the wealthiest Kitamaebune shipowners, whose business thrived in the area. Kitamaebune were merchant ships that once travelled across the Sea of Japan from the mid-Edo (around 1700-1750) to the Meiji era (1868-1912). Today, Soryokan is used as a civic centre, allowing visitors a glimpse inside this historic residence and garden.

Basic Information


Open: Daily 9:00-17:00 (Last entry, 16:30)
Closed: Dec. 29-Jan. 3
Entrance fee: Free
Access: 6 minutes on foot from IR Ishikawa Railway Daishoji Station
Tel: 0761-72-5350
Address: Ha-28-3 Kumasakamachi, Daishoji, Kaga, Ishikawa