
4 Enuma Shrine, Choryutei

Choryutei, a villa on the ground of Enuma Shrine
1)Choryutei, a villa on the ground of Enuma Shrine
2)This historical building had used for feudal lords
3)Enuma Shrine in autumn season

Landmarks of Times Past

Daishoji was once a thriving castle town and part of the southern branch of the Kaga clan (today’s Kanazawa). The lords erected a villa, Choryutei, on the grounds of what is now Enuma Shrine. It served as a retreat and a rest place during fishing trips. Here, MAEDA Toshiharu, the first Daishoji lord and Sugawara no Michizane, the deity of study, is enshrined. The completely preserved and highly refined building of Choryutei is designated as an Important National Cultural Property. The shrine’s chisen-kaiyushiki is a garden built to be enjoyed and experienced, with a path that guides you around a small pond.


Enuma Shrine, Choryutei

Open: Mar.-Oct. 9:00-16:00, Nov.-Feb 9:00-15:00 (reservation is required for Choryutei)
Closed: Dec. 29 -Jan.3, and during the festivals
Entrance Fee: ¥400
Access: 20 minutes on foot from IR Ishikawa Railway Daishoji Station
Tel: 0761-72-0551
Address: 55 Hachikenmichi, Daishoji, Kaga, 922-0057 Ishikawa
*Reservation required for a tour inside Choryutei.